Fuzhou Fuguang Electronics Co., Ltd.

News Center
A New Brochure for New Energy Testing Products
Add time:2021-07-01

The increasing development of society needs on new energy industry emphasizes more and more on the quality of the battery testers. That requires an ongoing update and innovation from the materials and technologies employed by testers, in order to ensure a satisfied performance of them.


Winning the Annual Award for Technological Innovation of China, an award in battery recycle industry, Fuguang Electronic, Co. Ltd. keeps up with its good work, devoting itself to the RD on new energy battery tests. Now the efforts are paid off. Releasing a brochure for introducing new energy testing products, we are here exhibiting you a series of products we bring out to address the problems plaguing battery test and maintenance, also the troublesome surge of batteries that run out of their lives.

As an old saying goes, “a handy tool makes a handy man”, we set five categories according to the different battery users: bus, private cars, forklifts, e-bikes and energy storage systems. With these state-of-the-art products, plus our professional service group, we believe the high-efficiency and accuracy will be brought to the works on battery test and maintenance, demonstrating our forever clients-oriented philosophy of making your test easier.


We cater for various occasions, too. Thanks to the ownership of a dynamic RD capacity and a self-contained production line, Fuguang new energy testers cover a number of occasions, including the test on a whole battery group or specific modules (cells comprise modules, modules comprise a group), warehouse power supply, return-to-factory service, troubleshooting and so on.

To sum up, this new brochure exhaustively introduces our products for testing all kinds of new energy battery. Please be free to turn to us for asking a brochure.


About Fuguang Company

Fuzhou Fuguang Electronic Co., Ltd. was founded in 1993. As a high-technology enterprise, we not only specialize in developing, producing and selling instruments, but also offer guidance to help our dear clients test and maintain their equipment. Our products are for testing batteries, power cable lines, communication networks and other industrial equipment, so as to earn a glance of their capacity and performance.


We uphold running business and hewing to natural and legal laws. After decades of continuous efforts, we create more and more values for our employees, clients and society. We strive for leading the market of energy-saving and emission reducing, setting a role model for enterprise culture and sustainable development!

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